Monday, February 4, 2008

EJA Collaboration Gift Giveaway and Special 2008 Sale

The Eclectic Jewelry Artisans Present:
A Special 2008 Sale and Gift Giveaway!!!!

Team EJA is doing it again, another fantastic giveaway of handcrafted jewelry and gifts that are valued at $50!! Here is what you need to do to enter the drawing:

1. Visit
2. Click on “Collaboration” in the menu.
3. Choose your favorite item to vote for.
4. Cast your vote by filling out this form:
Voting Form and Signup
Note: One vote per person. Drawing will be held on Valentines Day, 08. Three people will win!

Onto the sale…
Team EJA is offering FREE SHIPPING and 10% off on any item in their shop over $20!!! To take advantage of this great sale, please purchase your item and then wait for an updated invoice from EJA. Prices in the shop do not reflect the discounts. This offer is valid until Feb. 19th, 08.
Our shop is located at:

And feel free to visit our website for member listings, articles and more fantastic jewelry.

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