Ok! So it's Saturday night and my husband and I just looked through the Harbor Freight Hardware Catalog together while the children watched Madagascar. Sounds romantic right?!
He has been traveling a lot lately because of work and we have had very little time alone together. We talk to each other at least once a day when he travels but it just seems like we have had no downtime. My schedule is just crazy busy with work, volunteering at the kids school, maintaining the household, fundraising, trying to get pictures and postings up for jewelry and hmm maybe even making some jewelry.
I have been avoiding my work studio like the plague cuz it's just a mess! I need one good day just to clear off my workbench so I can make some new jewelry. I have some ideas and sketches of ideas but no room to create them cuz there's crap all over the place! Scrapbooking stuff, stamping stuff, beads, wire, tools you name it, it's down there.
He has been traveling a lot lately because of work and we have had very little time alone together. We talk to each other at least once a day when he travels but it just seems like we have had no downtime. My schedule is just crazy busy with work, volunteering at the kids school, maintaining the household, fundraising, trying to get pictures and postings up for jewelry and hmm maybe even making some jewelry.
I have been avoiding my work studio like the plague cuz it's just a mess! I need one good day just to clear off my workbench so I can make some new jewelry. I have some ideas and sketches of ideas but no room to create them cuz there's crap all over the place! Scrapbooking stuff, stamping stuff, beads, wire, tools you name it, it's down there.
I'm actually a pretty organized person and have been accused of being anal retentive about how I like to keep things in a specific orderly fashion. It just makes my life a litttle easier if I know where every thing is. Problem is that when I start making jewelry, I get carried away and stuff goes everywhere! I have been so busy that I usually am making stuff as I go and not taking time to clean up after myself. So I am dedicating Monday to cleaning up my work studio.
I work at a Bead shop (Katherine's Bead Boutique)which is like heaven to me. So I have been working to help get the shop organized also. So I am in the right frame of mind. I just have to force myself to get down those stairs and start tiding!
Wouldn't it be great if we could just have one extra day a week to do the little things that get pushed off the schedule or that would make the rest of the week easier?! Yeah, dream on!
I soooo hear you about the messy studio! It's great to have the luxury of an extra space to devote to creativity though!I find it interesting that so much in the house gets sent into the studio since I "might" need it! But where to PUT it?? to quote you...
"just keep cleaning, just keep cleaning!" hehehehe
OMG can you come over and organize my sewing stuff!!!! I so can't get the hang of it. I have it half way there but now I want to move my stuff from the upstairs hallway to down in the basement. lol
And hey, if you and your hubby had fun looking at the catalog then it was romantic for you! everyone is different.
During the summer when Closer is on USA Monday nights are our date nights and thats what we watch all curled up in bed. :)
Read your plight about getting organized. I have lots of organizational "tools" on my site at www.cutepinkstuff.com. The only catch: You have to love the color pink! I also have a blog. You may be interested in some of my posts about getting organized! http://wwwcutepinkstuffcom.blogspot.com/. Hope to see you there! Cindy
welcome to blogger! I myself need some organization too...even though i'm sometimes accused of being melancholic :P
i like your blog...check out my blog too at http://mitches21.blogspot.com
I just featured a new lady in DSM that I invited a while ago :)
Organized? What's organized?
I love your organization!!! I would feel right at home at your bench, LOL!!
Maybe I will get brave enough to put up a shot of my "studio".
I can't get organized to save my soul. Has anyone ever figure out a proficient way to organize beads? By color? By size? By type? By funkiness? Pleazze! One day at a time is my advice for you...and myself!
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